How To Conquer The Fear Of Failure


Every entrepreneur or normal human being afraid of failure. Why? Because It’s human nature. When we things are outside of our comfort zone, we feel scared. When things do not go as we expect, we can literally feel like we are going to die.

How can you learn to turn the failure to your advantage? we will discuss that further.  Here are some recommended methods.

Admit the past failures

Do you fail in the past? Yes! Well, you are not alone.

Everyone in this earth may have seen the face of failure before. If not seen they have missed something. Because Failure has a very unique test. It can’t be described in words but only be tested when you have the failure.

Yes, All negative experiences have some benefits as well. I appreciate that they are hard to appreciate at the moment. Practice makes us perfect. By practicing finding these benefits with past failures, you may be able to enhance this ability so that it is easier next time you fail.

You may assume the failure in this way. The failures were arrived to teach me some lessons. If you learned from that then its fine. There is no failure. It just a word.

Ask yourself: Have you made any changes to prevent failures like this from happening in the future? If not, take the time now to make a few small changes.

Treat yourself when you are in the storm

The storm has already stricken you? No problem. After some time the storm will pass away from you. Then you have to reconstruct yourself.

I understand that what goes on you. I have faced several times this situation. But you are the one and only crafter of your home. No external craftsmen will construct you. You are your boss.

No need to feel guilty, or put yourself down. You have not done any huge mistake that can’t be apologies. The external world may think like that because they want to see the failure of others.

Instead, try talking to yourself in a way that is supportive, kind, and caring—and you’ll be more likely to acknowledge mistakes and do better next time.

Prepare yourself for the battle

Appreciate that you have defeated one small battle only. Failure is stressful. But how you choose to approach this stress is up to you.

If you learn from the failure then you have never defeated. Build a challenge mindset, reflect on past challenges that you’ve overcome. Stock some new weapons in your arsenal. It will help you a lot in the upcoming battle.

Who knows, the upcoming battle may be a lot bigger than this one. But one thing is on your favor. You will be prepared for that.

Final thoughts

keep one thing in mind that, overnight success is a myth. The successful people who you see today have fought many battles and faced failure many times.

I still fail at something sometime, but because I am willing to try, I also succeed sometimes, too. You can do this as well.


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