A Major Bug In iPhone FaceTime


A major bug found in iPhone FaceTime. The bug lets you call anyone with FaceTime, and can hear the audio coming from their phone before the person on the other end has accepted or rejected the incoming call. The same thing happen even in video call as well. Apple says the issue will be resolved in a software update “later this week”.

Apple has disabled the group calling feature due to the bug that allows eavesdropping. Apple’s status page shows that group calling via FaceTime is “temporarily unavailable”. But the regular, one-on-one FaceTime remains available.

The devices which are running in iOS 12.1 or later may face this bug.

“This is a big hit to their brand,” said Dave Kennedy, CEO of Ohio-based security firm TrustedSec. “There’s been a long period of time people could have used that to eavesdrop. These things definitely should be caught prior to ever being released.”

According to, NBC News and The Wall Street Journal report, a 14-year-old high school student in Tucson, named Grant Thompson, tried to inform Apple about the bug more than a week before it became widely known to the public. The boy said he discovered it by accident while calling friends to play the game “Fortnite.”

Apple responds to this bug saying “We’re aware of this issue, and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week.”

This video demonstrates the bug.

If you are using an Apple device, you should immediately turn OFF FaceTime app for a few days. We will update you when the bug is fixed.


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